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Covid-19 Protocols within Greenheart Suriname N.V.

Greenheart Suriname N.V. is a company located in Suriname with active operations in various locations. It is very important that we as a company take a preventive approach to fight against Covid-19 by drawing the attention of our employees to the following rules at all times, especially at the field operations of its accessibility:

  1. Disinfect hands frequently

  2. Wear well-fitted masks

  3. Keep social distance of at least 1.5 meters from others

  4. Keep spaces well ventilated

In addition, the temperature is measured every morning before the employees start working. We intervene immediately when an employee shows at least one Covid-19 symptom. We follow our internal protocol by asking the employee to isolate himself and to contact the doctor. We are also in close contact with the relevant authorities such as BOG in order to follow the recent developments regarding Covid-19. This information is regularly shared with employees.

We as a company are taking preventive action to maintain a safe and healthy environment for our employees.

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